Tuesday 24 March 2015

FREE BOOK FIND: Everyone Keeps Secrets by Katherine Greyson

FREE to download TODAY is EVERYONE KEEPS SECRETS  by Katherine Greyson (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy before it goes back to full price?

The story begins five years ago where we meet our hero, William Crawford, when he is still a young, innocent child. Then we sprint forward and head to a seemingly ordinary day at Stony Creek High. However, fate intervenes as it draws our heroine into one harrowing escapade of an anything-but-average first day of school. Slowly the pieces of the puzzle are laid before us as we discover how many people in the sleepy town of Stony Creek are Keeping Secrets.

Volume One: Keeping Secrets is novella-length and is offered at the special introductory eBook price of $.99.
Volume Two: Facades Crumble, Our heroine’s backstory emerges.
Volume Three: Hidden Pasts, Our hero’s backstory unfolds.
Volume Four: The Return, All the threads in the large tapestry began to weave together.

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